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Pubg mobile season 10 leaks

Pubg mobile is one of the best game present out there. Now season 10 is on its way and the leaks started before it arrives. All the information and pictures in this blog are talen through classified yt channel. All the credit for the information goes to him

The upcoming PUBG Mobile update is also expected to kick off the Season 10, introducing the Season 10 Royale Pass. As usual, the leaks tip the Season 10 Elite Pass will be priced at 600 UC, while the Elite Plus Pass will set buyers back by 1800 UC. The leaks also tease a tonne of new items for PUBG Mobile Season 10 such as new emotes, M249 season 10 skin , Season 10 parachute skin, upgradable M416 skin in a new event, a radioactive outfit, and an exclusive. This are the pubg mobile season 10 leaks.

Highlight : 
  • Season 9 will end on 9 November 2019 and season 10 is expected to come on 11 or 12 November.
  • The leaks reveal all new gun skins, outfits, parachute skins and etc

This is all new outfit that you get on 100 RP along with its cap and mask.

This Op AKM gun skin is in royal pass that you get on 91 RP.

This are other parachute skins, buggy skin, M249 skin, UAZ skin.

All the credit for the image & information goes to Classified yt


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