Pubg mobile is one of the most popular game out there and in that bots are the really important to get some kills. Bots are not real player but it is created by computer to fill the 100 spots in a game
Bots never loot in any of the houses although they get the gun from the starting of the plane and they never jump from plane to a spot the get there suddenly.
How to figure out bots in PUBG MOBILE
--Bots behave in a very "robotic" way. By robotic, I mean a very predictable pattern. A bot will always move around in a very calm and composed manner on a pre-determined path across the map. They will never be aggressive in their movements.
--Bots often keep running in large open areas without dashing for cover. Especially in the lower tiers, you will often see them running towards a house without carrying weapons. Even when they are noticed, they hardly do anything save themselves.
--A bot usually avoids entering houses. Expert players guarantee that a bot will never enter a house or settlement for loot. They will instead circle around the house or stay at one spot nearby. They would never land on top of a building.
--A bot only circles those houses in which an actual player is hiding. If you have ever noticed a player around the building waiting outside, it's most probably a bot. Experienced players often use these bots as a bait to lure enemies for the loot and kill them once they fall for the trap.
--Bots usually avoid taking cover. Instead, they act as daredevils, walking with their guns high in the air. Even while under attack, they would hardly jump for cover to protect themselves.
--Bots will never loot crates of dead players. They will kill real players but won't bother to loot the items of that player.
--Bots often come up from nowhere in a match. You won't see them coming from far away distances.
--If you undertake surprise attack on a bot, it will immediately know the direction from which you are shooting and start firing at you.
--Some say that a bot won't try to kill you at first glance. When they start shooting at you, their bullets will miss you slightly. This gives players enough chances to locate and shoot back. However, some bots with deadly rifles such as a DP-28 will have no mercy and kill you at first glance.
--Crates of dead bots often have interesting loot items in the form of unique clothing as well as powerful weapons.
--Bots are known to not parachute into a game (except for arcade mode matches). They will appear out of nowhere with exciting loot items.
--Bots often keep running in large open areas without dashing for cover. Especially in the lower tiers, you will often see them running towards a house without carrying weapons. Even when they are noticed, they hardly do anything save themselves.
--A bot usually avoids entering houses. Expert players guarantee that a bot will never enter a house or settlement for loot. They will instead circle around the house or stay at one spot nearby. They would never land on top of a building.
--A bot only circles those houses in which an actual player is hiding. If you have ever noticed a player around the building waiting outside, it's most probably a bot. Experienced players often use these bots as a bait to lure enemies for the loot and kill them once they fall for the trap.
--Bots usually avoid taking cover. Instead, they act as daredevils, walking with their guns high in the air. Even while under attack, they would hardly jump for cover to protect themselves.
--Bots will never loot crates of dead players. They will kill real players but won't bother to loot the items of that player.
--Bots often come up from nowhere in a match. You won't see them coming from far away distances.
--If you undertake surprise attack on a bot, it will immediately know the direction from which you are shooting and start firing at you.
--Some say that a bot won't try to kill you at first glance. When they start shooting at you, their bullets will miss you slightly. This gives players enough chances to locate and shoot back. However, some bots with deadly rifles such as a DP-28 will have no mercy and kill you at first glance.
--Crates of dead bots often have interesting loot items in the form of unique clothing as well as powerful weapons.
--Bots are known to not parachute into a game (except for arcade mode matches). They will appear out of nowhere with exciting loot items.
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