If you have been following Pubg mobile for a while than you must had headed about ScoutOp. Tanmay Singh aka the "ScoutOp" is an pubg mobile influencer, professional player and a YouTube streamer
Player Information
Player name: Tanmay Singh aka ScoutOp
Age: 22 years
Country: India
Team: Fnatic
Tanmay Singh is an professional pubg mobile player who currently plays for team Fnatic along with FnaticOweis, FnaticRonak, FnaticInyourdreams, and FnaticParitosh. Scout is an IGL, scouter, flanker, and assaulter. He is the best assaulter currently in the country with an unmarked skills of spraying and movements. He is widely known for his m416+6x spray.
How Scout started playing pubg mobile
He want to become a football player in his teenager and represent india. He was almost successful in that but because of an injury he wasn't be able to continue it and than he shifted to Pubg Mobile.
His biggest achievement is his fans. He has 300k plus YouTube family that supports him in his every decision. Other than that he played pmco global semifinals while he was in team IND and many more.
He is the player who doesn't care about the haters and money he just focus on his gameplay day and night.
Love you @ScoutOp
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